Great news for our PCSSD families: we are now able to offer FREE meals thanks to a recent USDA waiver. That means our virtual, blended and traditional students can eat breakfast & lunch for free through Dec. 31! #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
Presale tickets for Mills vs. Jacksonville Titans, can be purchased today at the Mills High School ticket booth, from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm. Mask up and support the Comets! ALL TICKET SALES ARE FINAL!!!
Thank you @jon_yost for conducting the Creating Systems of Interventions and Extensions RTI at Work.
Dear stakeholders and Comet fans,
Friday night we host the Jacksonville Titans at Comet Stadium at 7 pm. We will have presale tickets available starting Thursday. This season as we are hosting home games, we will enforce contact tracing for each one entering the facilities including filling out the following:
Date of entry
The sign should state that your organization has the right to refuse service and must insist that anyone with these symptoms leaves the premises.
First and Last name
Phone number
Email Address
Time in
Time out
Club & team/Spectator/Parent/Caregiver
Modified Stadium Capacity
Total Bleacher Capacity (Home and Visitor Side) 2,023
Our Plan 1,335
Covid Capacity using the large venue directive from the Arkansas Department of Health
Families are allowed to sit in pods in the bleachers.
To help with social distancing ,we are planning to use three additional spaces along with our current home and visitor bleacher side.
West End Zone
(Bring your own lawn chair family area so you can spread out with your family) Near the fence on the west side of the track.
East End Zone outside the gate near the paved concessions area.
(Bring your own lawn chair family area so you can spread out with your family)
For tickets info, call the front office 501-490-5700.
Good Evening Mills University Studies High School Future Spirit Leaders, if you are interested in trying out for the Comet Elite Dance Team, go by room 404 Monday or Tuesday to see Ms Swinton for a handbook on what to expect or email to request an electronic copy of the handbook. Dance Clinic is only two days: this Wednesday and Thursday from 4:30-7:30 and tryouts are Friday, September 4 beginning at 4:30 pm. There is also a mandatory 2 day camp this Saturday and Sunday for all who make the team. Again, contact Ms Swinton in room 404 or email to request more information. Thank you! Let's Go Comets
PCSSD will be open for regular business hours tomorrow (Friday, Aug. 28). Schools will operate on their normal Friday schedule (which includes blended Group B students). Extended care and athletic activities will resume tomorrow as well. #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
Good morning. We are on a shortened day. Dismissal for Inclement Weather. Welcome B-day students.
We dismiss at 1pm. Follow the schedule below for traditional, virtual learners.
Central Arkansas is expected to feel the impact of Hurricane Laura tomorrow. Based on the most current weather updates, the heaviest impact is expected between 3-4pm. Therefore, PCSSD will dismiss school early on Thursday, August 27. Elementary schools will dismiss at 11:30am and Secondary schools will dismiss at 1:00pm. Dismissal times are for both car and bus riders. District offices will dismiss at 1pm as well. There will be no district athletics events on Thursday, August 27. No decision has been made about school or athletic activities for Friday at this time.
Schoology Update:
The parent access feature is not turned on yet for Schoology. We are working to get all teachers and students up to speed before adding the parent access. We'll share more information next week. Thank you for your continued patience.
Parents & Fans,
Tickets and protocols for the Mills Comets vs. the Newport Greyhounds are on sale. Student tickets are $4 and adult tickets are $5. Students tickets aer See Ms. Kendrick or Ms. Clemmons in the front office. See more CDC and PPE stadium guidelines. If you have a 100.4 temperature or higher, you will not be allowed entry. $1 for face masks. Go Comets!
SCHOOLOGY UPDATE: Rachel Blackwell, Digital Learning Facilitator for PCSSD, offers another walk through of what Schoology looks like for students, starting with the log-in process to the student portal. #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
See our Wednesday Schedule for all students. A-day, B-day, virtual students, and traditional will follow this schedule. Do not fret if the class is not present. We have drills today.
It may look a little different this year, but we are still sending well wishes and positive vibes for a happy first day of school! #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
Good evening Mills High students and parents. You are receiving this call because your student has selected to follow a traditional on-campus schedule. This means that your students will attend campus at Mills High school Monday through Friday and have a regular schedule. The school will dismiss at 1:00 pm each Wednesday. Attendance will be taken daily. Again your student has selected to follow a traditional on-campus schedule which will meet Monday through Friday. While students are on campus they must comply with the social distancing guidelines and wear their mask AT ALL TIMES. We would also like to remind you that all Mills High students receive free breakfast and free lunch. IMPORTANT, If your student is a car rider, we ask that you DO NOT drop off your student and leave. We ask that you wait until the student's temperature has been taken and he/she has received clearance to enter the building. For more information concerning your child’s schedule, please check HAC. If you have additional questions please contact the school. Thank you.
Good evening Mills High students and parents. You are receiving this call because your student has been selected to attend a B-day schedule. This means that your students will attend campus at Mills High school on Thursday and Friday ONLY and have a regular schedule. Monday through Wednesday the students must log in to receive digital learning. The students have received emails concerning logging into Schoology. Log in information will be provided by each teacher. Attendance will be taken daily whether on campus on digital learning. Again your student has been selected to participate in a B-Day schedule but they will be on campus on Thursday and Friday only and Monday through Wednesday they must log in to receive digital learning. While students are on campus they must comply with the social distancing guidelines and wear their mask AT ALL TIMES! We would also like to remind you that all Mills High students receive free breakfast and free lunch. IMPORTANT, If your student is a car rider, we ask that you DO NOT drop off your student and leave. We ask that you wait until the student's temperature has been taken and he/she has received clearance to enter the building. For more information concerning your child’s schedule, please check HAC. If you have additional questions please contact the school. Thank you.
Good evening Mills High students and parents. You are receiving this call because your student has been selected to attend an A day schedule. This means that your students will attend campus at Mills High school on Monday and Tuesday ONLY and have a regular schedule. Wednesday through Friday the students must log in to receive digital learning. Log in information will be provided by each teacher. Students have received emails concerning logging into Schoology. Attendance will be taken daily whether on campus on digital learning. Again your student has been selected to participate in an A Day schedule but they will be on campus on Monday and Tuesday only and Wednesday through Friday they must log in to receive digital learning. While students are on campus they must comply with the social distancing guidelines and wear their mask AT ALL TIMES! We would also like to remind you that all Mills High students receive free breakfast and free lunch. IMPORTANT, If your student is a car rider, we ask that you DO NOT drop off your student and leave. We ask that you wait until the student's temperature has been taken and he/she has received clearance to enter the building. For more information concerning your child’s schedule, please check HAC. If you have additional questions please check the school's web page or contact the school. Thank you.
Ellie Miller, a parent of 6 children wrote this poem earlier this month for @thrive. Mrs. Miller states in the article that, regardless of options, there isn’t a parent who won’t relate to the words of this poem.
#pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
Rachel Blackwell, Digital Learning Facilitator, walks through Schoology for students. This is a first look at a student account as the school year begins and courses are added.
#pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
Click on links for current teacher meetings for expectations during this virtual orientation. Copy and place in your device browser. Google Sheets.
Hey Parents! Here's more info on Schoology. This Parent Guide is packed with detailed explanations of different features, tools and step-by-step walkthroughs. This guide is designed to help you better understand Schoology. #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence