NWEA MAP Testing will continue tomorrow, Thursday, November 14. Please make sure that Chromebooks are charged and students are at school. Incentives are in place for growth scores!!!
over 5 years ago, School Test Coordinator
PCSSD supports MILLS HIGH SCHOOL in its appeal of the AAA complaint.
over 5 years ago, PCSSD
PCSSD statement on MUSHS
Thank you, veterans, for your service.
over 5 years ago, PCSSD
Veterans Day
Today is National Book Lovers Day! Check out the Mills feeder Teacher Librarians' favorite books. #pcssdproud #equityandexcellence
over 5 years ago, PCSSD
We will be doing Interim II of the NWEA MAP test beginning Tuesday, November 12. We will also test on Thursday, November 14 and Tuesday, November 19. Students please make sure you bring your chromebooks and that they are charged for the tests. Room assignments are posted both upstairs and downstairs.
over 5 years ago, Treneice Clemmons
Attention high school students - Friday, Nov. 4 is the registration deadline for the Dec. 14 ACT test date. Register now to avoid late fees! http://ow.ly/Dnjh50x54qG
over 5 years ago, PCSSD
ACT test
PCSSD schools held grand re-openings on Tuesday to change the name of our school Media Centers to Library Learning Centers. Check out all the cool pictures of the new looks: http://ow.ly/jMbY50x3awq
over 5 years ago, PCSSD
This is from the Mills High School yearbook committee. Senior ads are now available to purchase easily by following the link http://tinyurl.com/millsyearbook. It would be greatly appreciated if you would purchase them at your earliest convenience. Thank you
over 5 years ago, Treneice Clemmons
REMINDER: Week 10 high school football games will be played Thursday and Friday night this week. SYLVAN HILLS, MAUMELLE and ROBINSON will play on Thursday. MILLS will play on Friday.
over 5 years ago, PCSSD
November is Child Safety and Protection Month. Did you know more than 200,000 playground-related injuries happen each year in the US? Keep a close eye on children to ensure they are using equipment properly and it is age appropriate.
over 5 years ago, PCSSD
Playground safety
This is from the Mills High School yearbook committee. Senior ads are now available to purchase easily by following the link http://tinyurl.com/millsyearbook. It would be greatly appreciated if you would purchase them at your earliest convenience. Thank you
over 5 years ago, Treneice Clemmons
This is from the Mills High School yearbook committee. Senior ads are now available to purchase easily by following the link http://tinyurl.com/millsyearbook. It would be greatly appreciated if you would purchase them at your earliest convenience. Thank you
over 5 years ago, Treneice Clemmons
REMINDER: Schools are closed Wednesday - Friday for teacher and leadership professional development. See you Monday, Nov. 4!
over 5 years ago, PCSSD
Don't forget that students get a little fall break NEXT week. Schools are closed Wednesday (Oct. 30) - Friday (Nov. 1) for districtwide professional development. You can find all district events on the website: https://www.pcssd.org/o/pcssd/events
over 5 years ago, PCSSD
Dear teachers, Check your email to see if you have a shared document for a meeting tomorrow 10/24 or 10/25 with Brandon. Let me know if you have questions.
over 5 years ago, Principal Clayton
Good evening our annual Flu Clinic at Mills will be held November 13, 2019 9-11 a.m. The Clinic will be provided by the Arkansas Department of Health. All students will need a signed FERPA form and a Immunization Consent Form. Forms due November 12.
over 5 years ago, Treneice Clemmons
This week is National School Bus Safety Week. The school bus ride is an extension of the school day and PCSSD schools is committed to providing a safe transportation experience for all students across the district.
over 5 years ago, PCSSD
School Bus Safety Week
Good morning MUSH staff, parents, and students. Today is an AMI day due to a power outage at our school. Updates will be given throughout the day. Staff will work on data, assessments, SMART goals, or unit plans. Students should have Google classroom work provided or reading. For questions, email dclayton@pcssd.org and amjohnson@pcssd.org.
over 5 years ago, School
Comets football tonight listen live 92.7 FM Mills High vs Lonoke
over 5 years ago, Raven Harris